Endorse the National Uniform Medication Program

December 10, 2019

Dear Supporters

To bring forward much-needed uniformity to the medication rules and penalties in horse racing, there needs to be a streamlined set of regulations that is on par with international standards and creates new enforcement scheme with stronger penalties and deterrents. The adoption of the National Uniform Medication Program would do just that.

To show your support for harmonization and meaningful change to medication rules and penalties in horse racing, we strongly urge that you sign the petition endorsing the National Uniform Medication Program summarized below, and in its entirety at http://www.ntra.com/en/safety-alliance/uniform-national-rules-regarding-medication-penalties-and-laboratory-testing

• Each jurisdiction implement a two-tier drug classification system: Controlled Therapeutic Medications and Prohibited Substances with regulatory thresholds and withdrawal guidelines provided for each of the 24 controlled therapeutic medications

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• Any administration of Furosemide on race day be administered solely by veterinarians designated by the local regulatory authority • All equine drug-testing facilities earn accreditation that meets the recently enacted Racing Medication & Testing Consortium Code of Standards for Drug Testing Laboratories • State racing commissions adopt the new RCI Penalty Guidelines for Multiple Medication Violations

Thank you for support in this critical measure to medication reform that is vital to the integrity and future of our sport.

Kind regards, Horse Racing Reform ________________________________________

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